How to Get a Text from a SHA-256 Hash?

This blog examines why reversing a SHA-256 hash to get the original text is considered practically impossible with current technology.
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How to Get a Text from a SHA-256 Hash?


Due to the one-way nature of SHA-256, retrieving the original text from a hash is infeasible through analytical means. Brute force guessing and rainbow tables provide limited success only for weak passwords. Proper use of salts and strong passwords keeps texts secure.

SHA-256 is a popular cryptographic hash function used in many security applications. This blog post looks at the feasibility of recovering the original text from a SHA-256 hash value.


A SHA-256 hash is a 256-bit fingerprint generated from an input text using the SHA-256 algorithm. It is a one-way function, meaning the hash cannot be reversed to the original text. SHA-256 is commonly used in blockchain, password storage, digital signatures, and data integrity checks due to its security properties. But is it possible to get the original text if you only have the SHA-256 hash?

Understanding the SHA-256 Hash Function

SHA-256 processes an input message in 512-bit blocks. Each block goes through 64 rounds of cryptographic operations including bitwise logic, modular additions, and message schedules based on the initial block. After the final block, the concatenated output of 256 bits is returned as the SHA-256 hash.

Key properties like avalanche effect and high entropy ensure drastic changes to the hash output even for small changes to the input. This makes inverting the hash to the source text practically impossible through analytical means.

Converting a Text to a SHA-256 Hash

Generating a SHA-256 hash from a text is straightforward. Here is sample Python code:

1import hashlib
3input_text = "IToolkit"
5hash_object = hashlib.sha256(input_text.encode())
7hex_dig = hash_object.hexdigest()

This prints the SHA-256 hash:


The same output is obtained consistently regardless of the input text.

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Reversing a SHA-256 Hash to Get the Original Text

Reversing a SHA-256 hash is considered practically impossible due to the one-way nature of the algorithm. The only feasible methods are brute force guessing or using lookup tables.

Brute force involves testing every possible text combination to generate the hash. Even at a billion guesses per second, it would take longer than the age of the universe to brute force a SHA-256 hash.

Lookup tables consist of precomputed SHA-256 hashes for common texts and passwords. This allows quick reversal of hashes but is limited to the corpus used. Rainbow tables are specialized lookup tables optimized for hash cracking.

Tools and Techniques for Decrypting SHA-256

Some tools for decrypting SHA-256 hashes include:

  • Hashcat - Password recovery tool for GPU-accelerated cracking of hashes through brute force and dictionary attacks.

  • John the Ripper - Password cracker that can reverse salted and hashed passwords using wordlists.

  • Online databases - Websites offering large databases of plaintext-hash pairs for SHA-256 and other algorithms.

  • Rainbow tables - Large precomputed tables of hash-to-text mappings focused on common passwords.

However, these tools are only effective for weak passwords. Properly salted SHA-256 hashes of strong passwords are out of reach for existing cracking technology.

Best Practices for Hashing and Security

To maximize security, some tips when hashing with SHA-256 include:

  • Use a unique, randomly generated salt for each password to frustrate rainbow table attacks.

  • Iterate the hashing multiple times via key stretching to increase computational workload for crackers.

  • Employ strong, high entropy passwords that are long and complex.

  • Use additional controls like multi-factor authentication and strict access policies.

  • Consider adaptive hashing algorithms like Argon2 for local password hashing.


Recovering the original plaintext from a SHA-256 hash is considered infeasible with current technology. While brute forcing and lookup tables provide some success for weak passwords, properly implemented SHA-256 with strong passwords and unique salts can keep texts secure. Understanding the one-way nature of cryptographic hashes is important for their informed use in data security.