Base64 to XML Converter

Base64 Input
XML Output

Base64 to XML Tool Manual

The Base64 to XML tool is an online, free-to-use tool designed to convert Base64-encoded data to XML format. It is a simple and effective tool that requires no system or software dependencies. With this tool, you can easily convert any Base64-encoded data to XML format, making it easier to manipulate and work with. This tool is designed to provide users with a fast, secure, and efficient way to convert their Base64-encoded data to XML format.

Features of the Tool

The Base64 to XML tool comes with several features that make it a useful tool for converting Base64-encoded data to XML format. Some of the features of this tool include:

  • Online and free: This tool is available online and completely free to use. You do not need to install any software or depend on any system to use it.
  • Can Clear: This tool has a "Clear" button that allows you to clear all the input data you have entered.
  • Can Copy: This tool has a "Copy" button that allows you to copy the converted XML data to your clipboard.
  • Have Sample: This tool also comes with sample Base64-encoded data that you can use to test the tool's functionality before using it on your own data.
  • Data security: The Base64 to XML tool processes data locally on your computer, ensuring that your data remains secure.

How to Use the Tool

Using the Base64 to XML tool is straightforward, and the tool's interface is simple and user-friendly. Here's how to use the tool:

  1. Input the Base64-encoded data: In the input field, paste the Base64-encoded data you want to convert to XML format.
  2. Click the "Decode" button: After pasting the Base64-encoded data, click the "Decode" button to convert the data to XML format.
  3. View the converted data: The converted data will be displayed in the output field. You can view and manipulate the data as needed.
  4. Click the "Encode" button: If you want to convert the data back to Base64 format, click the "Encode" button. The tool will convert the data back to Base64 format and display it in the output field.
  5. Copy or click the "Copy" button: If you want to copy the converted XML data to your clipboard, click the "Copy" button.

That's it! You have successfully converted your Base64-encoded data to XML format. You can now manipulate the data as needed.

Benefits and Advantages of Using the Tool

Using the Base64 to XML tool comes with several benefits and advantages, including:

  • Time-saving: This tool is designed to be fast and efficient, allowing you to convert your Base64-encoded data to XML format quickly.
  • Security: The Base64 to XML tool processes data locally on your computer, ensuring that your data remains secure.
  • Ease of use: The tool's interface is simple and user-friendly, making it easy for anyone to use.
  • No system or software dependencies: You do not need to install any software or depend on any system to use this tool.
  • Free: The tool is completely free to use, making it an accessible and cost-effective solution for converting your Base64-encoded data to XML format.


The Base64 to XML tool is a powerful and effective tool for converting Base64-encoded data to XML format. It is fast, secure, and easy to use, making it an ideal solution for anyone looking to manipulate Base64-encoded data. With its simple interface and user-friendly features, this tool is an excellent addition to any developer's toolkit.

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