String to Capital

Text Input
Capital Case Output

String to Capital Case

Features of the Tool:

  • Online and free, with no system and software dependencies.
  • Can clear the input string.
  • Can copy the converted string.
  • Provides sample input for testing.
  • Ensures data security with local computing.

Tool Introduction:

The String to Capital Case tool is designed to convert a given string into capital case format. This tool is easy to use and requires no installation or software dependencies. It is an online tool that can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. By converting the string to capital case, this tool helps users to quickly and efficiently capitalize the first letter of each word in the string.

Benefits and Advantages:

  • Time-saving: With the String to Capital Case tool, you can instantly convert a string to capital case without the need for manual effort or coding skills.
  • Convenience: This online tool can be accessed from anywhere and used on any device, providing users with maximum flexibility and convenience.
  • Accuracy: The tool ensures that each word in the string is correctly capitalized, eliminating the risk of human error.
  • Data Security: The tool operates locally, ensuring that your data remains secure and is not stored or transmitted to any external server.

How to Use the Tool:

  1. Input the string: In the input box provided, enter the string that you want to convert to capital case.
  2. Click the "Convert" button: Once you have entered the string, click the "Convert" button to initiate the conversion process.
  3. Copy the converted string: After the conversion is complete, the converted string will be displayed in the output box. You can copy the converted string by clicking the "Copy" button.

Usage in Different Programming Languages:


To convert a string to capital case in Python, you can use the title() function. Here is an example code:

string = "free online tools"
capitalized_string = string.title()


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In Java, you can use the toUpperCase() and toLowerCase() methods to convert a string to capital case. Here is an example code:

String string = "free online tools";
String[] words = string.split(" ");
String capitalizedString = "";
for (String word : words) {
    String firstLetter = word.substring(0, 1);
    String remainingLetters = word.substring(1);
    capitalizedString += firstLetter.toUpperCase() + remainingLetters.toLowerCase() + " ";


Free Online Tools


In JavaScript, you can use the toUpperCase() and toLowerCase() methods to convert a string to capital case. Here is an example code:

const string = "free online tools";
const words = string.split(" ");
let capitalizedString = "";
for (let word of words) {
  const firstLetter = word[0].toUpperCase();
  const remainingLetters = word.slice(1).toLowerCase();
  capitalizedString += firstLetter + remainingLetters + " ";


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In Golang, you can use the strings.Title() function to convert a string to capital case. Here is an example code:

package main

import (

func main() {
    str := "free online tools"
    capitalizedString := strings.Title(str)


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In Ruby, you can use the capitalize() method to convert a string to capital case. Here is an example code:

string = "free online tools"
capitalized_string =' ')
puts capitalized_string


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In Bash, you can use the tr and sed commands to convert a string to capital case. Here is an example code:

string="free online tools"
capitalized_string=$(echo $string | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' | sed -r 's/\b\w/\U&/g')
echo $capitalized_string


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By following the above instructions and using the appropriate code snippet in your preferred programming language, you can easily convert a string to capital case. The String to Capital Case tool simplifies this process and provides a user-friendly interface for quick and accurate conversions.

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