Octal to Binary

Octal Input
Binary Output

Octal to Binary Converter: Convert Octal to Binary Online and Free

The Octal to Binary Converter is an online tool used to convert Octal (base 8) numbers to Binary (base 2) numbers. This tool is free to use, and there are no system or software dependencies. You can easily convert any Octal number to Binary and get the result in seconds.

How to use the Octal to Binary Converter Tool

Using the Octal to Binary Converter tool is quite simple. Follow the steps below:

  1. Input or paste your Octal number in the input box provided.
  2. Click the "Convert" button.
  3. The Binary data will appear in the output box.
  4. If you want to copy the result, click the "Copy" button.

Benefits and Advantages of the Octal to Binary Converter Tool

The Octal to Binary Converter tool provides an easy and efficient way to convert Octal numbers to Binary numbers. The tool is online and free, which means you don't need to install any software on your computer. All you need is a stable internet connection, and you can access the tool from anywhere in the world.

The tool is easy to use, and you can get the result in seconds. You can copy the result with just one click, which makes it easy to use the converted data in your projects.

Data security is essential, especially when working with sensitive data. The Octal to Binary Converter tool ensures that your data is secure by computing the converted data locally and not storing or transmitting it over the internet.

Core Algorithm of the Octal to Binary Converter Tool

The core algorithm used to convert Octal to Binary is quite simple. The Octal number is first converted to Decimal (base 10), and then the Decimal number is converted to Binary (base 2).

Here is the formula used to convert Octal to Decimal:

Decimal = 8^n _ Dn + 8^(n-1) _ Dn-1 + ... + 8^1 _ D1 + 8^0 _ D0


  • n: the position of the digit starting from 0 (the rightmost digit)
  • Dn: the value of the digit at position n (0 to 7)

Once you have the Decimal number, you can use the following formula to convert Decimal to Binary:

Binary = (Decimal)base 10 to base 2

Example in Python

Here is an example code in Python to convert Octal to Binary:

# Octal to Binary Converter in Python

octal_num = input("Enter an Octal number: ")
decimal_num = int(octal_num, 8)
binary_num = bin(decimal_num)

print("Binary representation of", octal_num, "is", binary_num[2:])

Example in C

Here is an example code in C to convert Octal to Binary:

// Octal to Binary Converter in C

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
    char octal_num[20];
    int decimal_num, i = 0;
    char binary_num[20];

    printf("Enter an Octal number: ");
    scanf("%s", octal_num);

    decimal_num = strtol(octal_num, NULL, 8);
    itoa(decimal_num, binary_num, 2);

    printf("Binary representation of %s is %s\n", octal_num, binary_num);

    return 0;

Example in JavaScript

Here is an example code in JavaScript to convert Octal to Binary:

// Octal to Binary Converter in JavaScript

let octal_num = prompt("Enter an Octal number: ");
let decimal_num = parseInt(octal_num, 8);
let binary_num = decimal_num.toString(2);

console.log(`Binary representation of ${octal_num} is ${binary_num}`);

Example in Java

Here is an example code in Java to convert Octal to Binary:

// Octal to Binary Converter in Java

import java.util.Scanner;

public class OctalToBinaryConverter {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);

        System.out.print("Enter an Octal number: ");
        String octal_num = scanner.next();

        int decimal_num = Integer.parseInt(octal_num, 8);
        String binary_num = Integer.toBinaryString(decimal_num);

        System.out.printf("Binary representation of %s is %s\n", octal_num, binary_num);

Example in PHP

Here is an example code in PHP to convert Octal to Binary:

// Octal to Binary Converter in PHP

$octal_num = readline("Enter an Octal number: ");
$decimal_num = octdec($octal_num);
$binary_num = decbin($decimal_num);

echo "Binary representation of $octal_num is $binary_num\n";

In conclusion, the Octal to Binary Converter tool is a useful and easy-to-use tool for converting Octal numbers to Binary numbers. It is free, online, and secure. You can use it to get the result quickly and efficiently without any system or software dependencies.

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