Decimal to Octal

Decimal Input
Octal Output

Decimal to Octal Converter: Free Online Tool

The Decimal to Octal Converter is an online tool that helps users convert decimal numbers to their corresponding octal numbers. This free tool is available online, and it doesn't require any system or software dependencies. It is user-friendly and secure, providing data security and local computing capabilities.

Features of the Decimal to Octal Converter

  • Online and free, no system and software dependencies
  • Can Clear, Can Copy, Have Sample
  • Data security, local computing

How to Use the Decimal to Octal Converter

Using the Decimal to Octal Converter is easy and straightforward. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Input or paste your decimal number into the input box provided.
  2. Click the "Convert" button to convert the decimal number to its octal equivalent.
  3. Copy the octal number or click the "Copy" button to copy it to your clipboard.
  4. To clear the input box, press the "Clear" button.
  5. You can also use the "Sample" option to try out the tool with a pre-filled decimal number.

Benefits of Using the Decimal to Octal Converter

Using the Decimal to Octal Converter provides several benefits to users:

  • It is an online and free tool, so there is no need to download any software to use it.
  • The tool is user-friendly, providing a simple and intuitive interface.
  • It is secure, offering data security by computing data locally.
  • The tool provides the convenience of quickly and easily converting decimal to octal without any dependencies or prerequisites.

Core Algorithm or Logic

The core algorithm used by the Decimal to Octal Converter is based on dividing the decimal number by 8 repeatedly until the quotient is zero. At each step, the remainder is recorded and concatenated to form the octal number. The formula for the algorithm is as follows:

octal_num = ""
while decimal_num > 0:
remainder = decimal_num % 8
octal_num = str(remainder) + octal_num
decimal_num = decimal_num // 8

Example Codes in Python, C, JavaScript, Java, and PHP

Python Code:

decimal_num = 1234567890
octal_num = ""
while decimal_num > 0:
    remainder = decimal_num % 8
    octal_num = str(remainder) + octal_num
    decimal_num = decimal_num // 8

C Code:

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    int decimal_num = 1234567890, octal_num = 0, i = 1;
    while (decimal_num != 0) {
        octal_num += (decimal_num % 8) * i;
        decimal_num /= 8;
        i *= 10;
    printf("%d", octal_num);
    return 0;

JavaScript Code:

const decimal_num = 1234567890;
let octal_num = "";
while (decimal_num > 0) {
  let remainder = decimal_num % 8;
  octal_num = remainder.toString() + octal_num;
  decimal_num = Math.floor(decimal_num / 8);

Java Code:

public class DecimalToOctal {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int decimal_num = 1234567890;
        StringBuilder octal_num = new StringBuilder();
        while (decimal_num > 0) {
            int remainder = decimal_num % 8;
            octal_num.insert(0, remainder);
            decimal_num /= 8;

PHP Code:

$decimal_num = 1234567890;
$octal_num = "";
while ($decimal_num > 0) {
    $remainder = $decimal_num % 8;
    $octal_num = strval($remainder) . $octal_num;
    $decimal_num = intval($decimal_num / 8);
echo $octal_num;


The Decimal to Octal Converter is a simple and user-friendly online tool that allows you to convert decimal numbers to octal numbers quickly and easily. It is secure and free, offering data security and local computing capabilities. The core algorithm used by the tool is based on dividing the decimal number by 8 repeatedly and recording the remainder at each step. With this tool, you can easily convert decimal to octal using Python, C, JavaScript, Java, and PHP.

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