IP to Decimal

IP Address Input
Decimal Output

IP to Decimal Converter - Online and Free

IP to Decimal Converter is a free online tool that allows you to easily convert IP addresses to decimal numbers. This user-friendly tool requires no software or system dependencies and is mobile-friendly. It supports both IPv4 and IPv6 address conversion.

Purpose and Scenarios

IP to Decimal Converter is a useful tool in various networking and programming applications. Some common scenarios include network administration, programming, and troubleshooting. By using this tool, you can convert IP addresses to decimal numbers quickly and accurately.

Benefits and Advantages

The benefits of using IP to Decimal Converter include its ease of use and speed and accuracy in converting IP addresses to decimal numbers. Additionally, the tool is free to use and requires no software or system dependencies. The tool performs all calculations locally, ensuring that your data is secure.

How to Use IP to Decimal Converter

Using IP to Decimal Converter is easy and straightforward. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Input or paste your IP address in the input area.
  2. Click the "Convert" button to convert the IP address to decimal format.
  3. The decimal representation of the IP address will be displayed in the output area.
  4. You can copy the decimal representation of the IP address by clicking the "Copy" button.

How It's Done

The IP to Decimal conversion algorithm is based on the following formula:

decimal = (a _ 256^3) + (b _ 256^2) + (c \* 256^1) + d

where a, b, c, and d are the four decimal values of the IP address.

Here are some examples of how to convert IP addresses to decimal format in different programming languages:


ip_address = ""
parts = ip_address.split(".")
decimal = (int(parts[0]) * 256**3) + (int(parts[1]) * 256**2) + (int(parts[2]) * 256**1) + int(parts[3])


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

unsigned int convert_ip_to_decimal(char *ip_address) {
    int a, b, c, d;
    sscanf(ip_address, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &a, &b, &c, &d);
    return (a * pow(256, 3)) + (b * pow(256, 2)) + (c * pow(256, 1)) + d;

int main() {
    char ip_address[16];
    printf("Enter IP address: ");
    fgets(ip_address, 16, stdin);
    ip_address[strlen(ip_address) - 1] = '\0';
    unsigned int decimal = convert_ip_to_decimal(ip_address);
    printf("Decimal representation: %u\n", decimal);
    return 0;


function convert_ip_to_decimal(ip_address) {
  let parts = ip_address.split(".");
  let decimal =
    parseInt(parts[0]) * Math.pow(256, 3) +
    parseInt(parts[1]) * Math.pow(256, 2) +
    parseInt(parts[2]) * Math.pow(256, 1) +
  return decimal;
let ip_address = "";
let decimal = convert_ip_to_decimal(ip_address);


public class IpToDecimalConverter {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String ip_address = "";
        String[] parts = ip_address.split("\\.");
        int decimal = (Integer.parseInt(parts[0]) * (int) Math.pow(256, 3)) + (Integer.parseInt(parts[1]) * (int) Math.pow(256, 2)) + (Integer.parseInt(parts[2]) * (int) Math.pow(256, 1)) + Integer.parseInt(parts[3]);


function convert_ip_to_decimal($ip_address) {
    $parts = explode(".", $ip_address);
    $decimal = ($parts[0] * pow(256, 3)) + ($parts[1] * pow(256, 2)) + ($parts[2] * pow(256, 1)) + $parts[3];
    return $decimal;
$ip_address = "";
$decimal = convert_ip_to_decimal($ip_address);
echo $decimal;


IP to Decimal Converter is a simple and effective tool that allows you to convert IP addresses to decimal numbers quickly and easily. With its user-friendly interface and accurate results, it is a must-have tool for network administrators and programmers.

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