String to Param Case

Text Input
Param Case Output

String to param case

Tool Introduction

The String to param case tool is a free and online tool that allows you to convert a string into param case format. This tool is designed to be user-friendly and does not require any system or software dependencies. It provides a simple and efficient way to convert strings into param case, ensuring data security by performing computations locally.

Purpose and Scenario

The String to param case tool is designed to simplify the process of converting strings into param case format. Param case is a naming convention where words are separated by dashes ("-") and all letters are lowercase. This format is commonly used in URLs, file names, and other contexts where readability and search engine optimization (SEO) are important.

This tool can be useful in various scenarios, such as:

  • SEO optimization of URLs: Param case is preferred for URLs as it improves readability and search engine ranking.
  • File naming conventions: Converting file names to param case can make them more descriptive and easier to understand.
  • Development and programming: When working with code, converting strings to param case can enhance code readability and maintainability.

Benefits and Advantages

Using the String to param case tool offers several benefits and advantages, including:

  1. Simplicity: The tool provides a straightforward and user-friendly interface, making it easy to convert strings to param case with just a few clicks.
  2. Efficiency: With this tool, you can quickly convert multiple strings into param case format without the need for manual editing or coding.
  3. Flexibility: The tool supports various programming languages, such as Python, Java, JavaScript, Golang, Ruby, and PHP, allowing developers to integrate it into their preferred coding environments.
  4. Data Security: The tool performs all computations locally, ensuring that your data remains secure and private.
  5. Accessibility: The online nature of the tool makes it accessible from any device with an internet connection, eliminating the need for software installation or system dependencies.

How to Use

Using the String to param case tool is simple and requires just a few steps:

  1. Input the string: Enter the desired string that you want to convert into param case in the input field provided.
  2. Click the Convert button: After entering the string, click the "Convert" button to initiate the conversion process.
  3. Copy or click copy button: Once the conversion is complete, the param case output will be displayed. You can either manually copy the output or use the "Copy" button to copy it to the clipboard.

Implementation in Programming Languages

To implement the conversion from a string to param case in various programming languages, refer to the following examples:


import re

def convert_to_param_case(string):
    words = re.findall(r'\w+', string)  # Extract words from the string
    param_case = '-'.join(words).lower()  # Join words with dashes and convert to lowercase
    return param_case

# Example usage
string = "free online tools"
param_case = convert_to_param_case(string)
print(param_case)  # Output: free-online-tools


public class ParamCaseConverter {
    public static String convertToParamCase(String string) {
        String[] words = string.split(" ");  // Split string into words
        String paramCase = String.join("-", words).toLowerCase();  // Join words with dashes and convert to lowercase
        return paramCase;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String string = "free online tools";
        String paramCase = convertToParamCase(string);
        System.out.println(paramCase);  // Output: free-online-tools


function convertToParamCase(string) {
  const words = string.split(" "); // Split string into words
  const paramCase = words.join("-").toLowerCase(); // Join words with dashes and convert to lowercase
  return paramCase;

// Example usage
const string = "free online tools";
const paramCase = convertToParamCase(string);
console.log(paramCase); // Output: free-online-tools


package main

import (

func convertToParamCase(s string) string {
    words := strings.Split(s, " ")  // Split string into words
    paramCase := strings.Join(words, "-")  // Join words with dashes
    paramCase = strings.ToLower(paramCase)  // Convert to lowercase
    return paramCase

func main() {
    s := "free online tools"
    paramCase := convertToParamCase(s)
    fmt.Println(paramCase)  // Output: free-online-tools


def convert_to_param_case(string)
  words = string.split(" ")  # Split string into words
  param_case = words.join("-").downcase  # Join words with dashes and convert to lowercase
  return param_case

# Example usage
string = "free online tools"
param_case = convert_to_param_case(string)
puts param_case  # Output: free-online-tools


function convertToParamCase($string) {
    $words = explode(" ", $string);  // Split string into words
    $paramCase = implode("-", $words);  // Join words with dashes
    $paramCase = strtolower($paramCase);  // Convert to lowercase
    return $paramCase;

// Example usage
$string = "free online tools";
$paramCase = convertToParamCase($string);
echo $paramCase;  // Output: free-online-tools

By following the provided examples and using the respective programming languages, you can easily implement the conversion from a string to param case in your projects.


The String to param case tool offers a convenient and efficient way to convert strings into param case format. With its user-friendly interface and support for multiple programming languages, this tool is suitable for various scenarios, including URL optimization, file naming conventions, and code development. By following the steps provided and using the example codes, you can easily integrate the tool's functionality into your projects and benefit from improved readability and SEO optimization.

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